Enjoy Shopping!


a. How can I track my order that has been shipped?

You will receive an email confirmation from Jellomart’s which will include the tracking information. Please allow us up to 24 hours for the tracking information to update. If it has been over 24 hours since your order has been shipped and tracking information is not updated, you may contact us at (jellomart.com) for tracking information.

b. Can I edit or cancel my order?

You may edit or cancel your order via email or telephone while your order has not been shipped. If the order has already shipped, please see our Return and Refund Policy section for more information on returning the item/s to us and receiving a refund.

c. How do I return an item from my order?

You may return the item by following this instruction:

1. Click here to download and print the return label.
2. Pack the item/s in the original packaging material or box.
3. Attach the return shipping label and drop off your package to the nearest shipping courier.